teditor  1.8.0@@fee5e94
Terminal based editor written in C++
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CNumberCore number used for computing in the calculator
 CNFAKen-Thompson NFA as described here: https://swtch.com/~rsc/regexp/regexp1.html but adjusted to work with teditor environment
 CRegexsA collection of commonly used Regular expressions
 CAnyStruct Impl ///
 COpDataThe state before/after applying insertion/deletion operations on the Buffer object
 CDoubleBufferA simple double buffer container for ping-pong kind of operations
 CHistoryContainer to store history (files-visited or command-history, etc)
 CImplStruct Impl ///
 CImpl< Head, Rest... >
 CISearchIncremental search support used by Ctrl-F command
 CLRUCacheLRU Cache implementation
 COptionClass to define an option used in the editor
 CPos2dAny 2D position
 CTimerMain object used for timing event