teditor  1.8.0@@fee5e94
Terminal based editor written in C++
Information for developers

Generating documentation

It is expected that one has installed doxygen for this purpose. Generated documentation can then be found inside the folder bin/html.

make doc

Unit testing

Unit-tests are run via catch2.

make -j tests

Debug builds

make DEBUG=1 -j teditor tests

In addition for debug symbols, this also enables DEBUG and ULTRA_DEBUG logger macros in the logging module which can be very helpful while debugging editor core modules.

Release Checklist

  1. Check that the VERSION variable inside Makefile is updated properly.
  2. Create a docs/releases/v{VERSION}.md file and update its contents with the list of features in the current release. You can copy the contents of another file in this dir and use it as a starting point.
  3. Update docs/releases.md to point to the document of this new release.
  4. Commit all changes if not done already.
  5. For every supported release platform: Run make release. It creates a teditor-<version>/<OS> folder.
  6. Run the command: make package from ONLY one of the platforms. It creates doxygen docs and also compresses the teditor-<version> into a tarball with the same basename.
  7. Push all the changes to remote: git push origin master
  8. Go to releases page and prepare a new release. Attach the above tarball into this page.
  9. After verifying the contents of this page, click Publish release.