teditor  1.8.0@@fee5e94
Terminal based editor written in C++
Classes | Namespaces | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
keys.h File Reference
#include <stdint.h>
#include "utils.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  teditor::MetaKey




typedef uint32_t teditor::key_t


bool teditor::operator== (const MetaKey &mk1, const MetaKey &mk2)


static const key_t teditor::Meta_None = 0x00000000
static const key_t teditor::Meta_Shift = 0x00010000
static const key_t teditor::Meta_Alt = 0x00020000
static const key_t teditor::Meta_Ctrl = 0x00040000
static const key_t teditor::Meta_Motion = 0x00080000
static const key_t teditor::Key_F1 = (0xFFFF-0)
static const key_t teditor::Key_F2 = (0xFFFF-1)
static const key_t teditor::Key_F3 = (0xFFFF-2)
static const key_t teditor::Key_F4 = (0xFFFF-3)
static const key_t teditor::Key_F5 = (0xFFFF-4)
static const key_t teditor::Key_F6 = (0xFFFF-5)
static const key_t teditor::Key_F7 = (0xFFFF-6)
static const key_t teditor::Key_F8 = (0xFFFF-7)
static const key_t teditor::Key_F9 = (0xFFFF-8)
static const key_t teditor::Key_F10 = (0xFFFF-9)
static const key_t teditor::Key_F11 = (0xFFFF-10)
static const key_t teditor::Key_F12 = (0xFFFF-11)
static const key_t teditor::Key_Insert = (0xFFFF-12)
static const key_t teditor::Key_Delete = (0xFFFF-13)
static const key_t teditor::Key_Home = (0xFFFF-14)
static const key_t teditor::Key_End = (0xFFFF-15)
static const key_t teditor::Key_PageUp = (0xFFFF-16)
static const key_t teditor::Key_PageDown = (0xFFFF-17)
static const key_t teditor::Key_ArrowLeft = (0xFFFF-18)
static const key_t teditor::Key_ArrowRight = (0xFFFF-19)
static const key_t teditor::Key_ArrowDown = (0xFFFF-20)
static const key_t teditor::Key_ArrowUp = (0xFFFF-21)
static const key_t teditor::Key_MouseLeft = (0xFFFF-22)
static const key_t teditor::Key_MouseRight = (0xFFFF-23)
static const key_t teditor::Key_MouseMiddle = (0xFFFF-24)
static const key_t teditor::Key_MouseRelease = (0xFFFF-25)
static const key_t teditor::Key_MouseWheelUp = (0xFFFF-26)
static const key_t teditor::Key_MouseWheelDown = (0xFFFF-27)
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlTilde = 0x00
static const key_t teditor::Key_Ctrl2 = 0x00
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlA = 0x01
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlB = 0x02
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlC = 0x03
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlD = 0x04
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlE = 0x05
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlF = 0x06
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlG = 0x07
static const key_t teditor::Key_Backspace = 0x08
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlH = 0x08
static const key_t teditor::Key_Tab = 0x09
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlI = 0x09
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlJ = 0x0A
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlK = 0x0B
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlL = 0x0C
static const key_t teditor::Key_Enter = 0x0D
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlM = 0x0D
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlN = 0x0E
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlO = 0x0F
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlP = 0x10
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlQ = 0x11
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlR = 0x12
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlS = 0x13
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlT = 0x14
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlU = 0x15
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlV = 0x16
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlW = 0x17
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlX = 0x18
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlY = 0x19
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlZ = 0x1A
static const key_t teditor::Key_Esc = 0x1B
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlLsqBracket = 0x1B
static const key_t teditor::Key_Ctrl3 = 0x1B
static const key_t teditor::Key_Ctrl4 = 0x1C
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlBackslash = 0x1C
static const key_t teditor::Key_Ctrl5 = 0x1D
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlRsqBracket = 0x1D
static const key_t teditor::Key_Ctrl6 = 0x1E
static const key_t teditor::Key_Ctrl7 = 0x1F
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlSlash = 0x1F
static const key_t teditor::Key_CtrlUnderscore = 0x1F
static const key_t teditor::Key_Space = (key_t)' '
static const key_t teditor::Key_Exclaim = (key_t)'!'
static const key_t teditor::Key_DQuote = (key_t)'"'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Hash = (key_t)'#'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Dollar = (key_t)'$'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Percent = (key_t)'%'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Ampersand = (key_t)'&'
static const key_t teditor::Key_SQuote = (key_t)'\''
static const key_t teditor::Key_BrktOpen = (key_t)'('
static const key_t teditor::Key_BrktClose = (key_t)')'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Star = (key_t)'*'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Plus = (key_t)'+'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Comma = (key_t)','
static const key_t teditor::Key_Minus = (key_t)'-'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Dot = (key_t)'.'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Slash = (key_t)'/'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Zero = (key_t)'0'
static const key_t teditor::Key_One = (key_t)'1'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Two = (key_t)'2'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Three = (key_t)'3'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Four = (key_t)'4'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Five = (key_t)'5'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Six = (key_t)'6'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Seven = (key_t)'7'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Eight = (key_t)'8'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Nine = (key_t)'9'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Colon = (key_t)':'
static const key_t teditor::Key_SemiColo = (key_t)';'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Lt = (key_t)'<'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Question = (key_t)'?'
static const key_t teditor::Key_At = (key_t)'@'
static const key_t teditor::Key_A = (key_t)'A'
static const key_t teditor::Key_B = (key_t)'B'
static const key_t teditor::Key_C = (key_t)'C'
static const key_t teditor::Key_D = (key_t)'D'
static const key_t teditor::Key_E = (key_t)'E'
static const key_t teditor::Key_F = (key_t)'F'
static const key_t teditor::Key_G = (key_t)'G'
static const key_t teditor::Key_H = (key_t)'H'
static const key_t teditor::Key_I = (key_t)'I'
static const key_t teditor::Key_J = (key_t)'J'
static const key_t teditor::Key_K = (key_t)'K'
static const key_t teditor::Key_L = (key_t)'L'
static const key_t teditor::Key_M = (key_t)'M'
static const key_t teditor::Key_N = (key_t)'N'
static const key_t teditor::Key_O = (key_t)'O'
static const key_t teditor::Key_P = (key_t)'P'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Q = (key_t)'Q'
static const key_t teditor::Key_R = (key_t)'R'
static const key_t teditor::Key_S = (key_t)'S'
static const key_t teditor::Key_T = (key_t)'T'
static const key_t teditor::Key_U = (key_t)'U'
static const key_t teditor::Key_V = (key_t)'V'
static const key_t teditor::Key_W = (key_t)'W'
static const key_t teditor::Key_X = (key_t)'X'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Y = (key_t)'Y'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Z = (key_t)'Z'
static const key_t teditor::Key_SqBrktOpt = (key_t)'['
static const key_t teditor::Key_BackSlash = (key_t)'\\'
static const key_t teditor::Key_SqBrktClose = (key_t)']'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Caret = (key_t)'^'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Underscore = (key_t)'_'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Backtick = (key_t)'`'
static const key_t teditor::Key_a = (key_t)'a'
static const key_t teditor::Key_b = (key_t)'b'
static const key_t teditor::Key_c = (key_t)'c'
static const key_t teditor::Key_d = (key_t)'d'
static const key_t teditor::Key_e = (key_t)'e'
static const key_t teditor::Key_f = (key_t)'f'
static const key_t teditor::Key_g = (key_t)'g'
static const key_t teditor::Key_h = (key_t)'h'
static const key_t teditor::Key_i = (key_t)'i'
static const key_t teditor::Key_j = (key_t)'j'
static const key_t teditor::Key_k = (key_t)'k'
static const key_t teditor::Key_l = (key_t)'l'
static const key_t teditor::Key_m = (key_t)'m'
static const key_t teditor::Key_n = (key_t)'n'
static const key_t teditor::Key_o = (key_t)'o'
static const key_t teditor::Key_p = (key_t)'p'
static const key_t teditor::Key_q = (key_t)'q'
static const key_t teditor::Key_r = (key_t)'r'
static const key_t teditor::Key_s = (key_t)'s'
static const key_t teditor::Key_t = (key_t)'t'
static const key_t teditor::Key_u = (key_t)'u'
static const key_t teditor::Key_v = (key_t)'v'
static const key_t teditor::Key_w = (key_t)'w'
static const key_t teditor::Key_x = (key_t)'x'
static const key_t teditor::Key_y = (key_t)'y'
static const key_t teditor::Key_z = (key_t)'z'
static const key_t teditor::Key_FBrktOpen = (key_t)'{'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Line = (key_t)'|'
static const key_t teditor::Key_FBrktClose = (key_t)'}'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Tilde = (key_t)'~'
static const key_t teditor::Key_Backspace2 = 0x7F
static const key_t teditor::Key_Ctrl8 = 0x7F
static const key_t teditor::Key_Invalid = 0xFFFFFFFF