teditor  1.8.0@@fee5e94
Terminal based editor written in C++

Date: 2018-06-24

Teditor is a terminal based editor completely written in C++. It is inspired from eon and emacs. The project is hosted here.

Yet another editor!?

While all editors support terminal capabilities, how about we try to have a terminal support editor capabilities!? teditor is a terminal based editor, written in C++, to explore this aspect.

Besides, writing an editor from scratch is a real practical way to get to know a lot about programming, SW life cycle management, OS and terminal concepts!


Current release of teditor is at v0.1.0. It can be found here. Features in this release:

  1. Basic editing features
  2. Support for multiple buffers and switching between them
  3. 'Command' API to extend functionality
  4. Support for dir-mode; just like in emacs
  5. Region selection
  6. Support for multiple-cursors
  7. Sorting a selected region in the buffer
  8. keep-lines, remove-lines; just like in emacs
  9. M-x command; just like in emacs
  10. text search and potentially use it as a way to quickly navigate inside the buffer
  11. Stores files opened history for a quicker navigation later