teditor  1.8.0@@fee5e94
Terminal based editor written in C++

Date: 2020-09-27

Glad to announce the release of the next version of teditor: v1.7.0. It can be found here.


Changes/features in this release:

  1. Command for DNS lookup: M-x dns.
  2. In-built calculator: M-x calc.
  3. Command to open files using another programs while in dir-mode. Just hit s while putting point on that file.
  4. Show the hits nearby the current point location itself during search.
  5. Removed pcre2 and catch2 as submodules (helps reduce repo size). From now onwards, parser::NFA will be used for regex's instead of pcre2.
  6. Option for debug and release builds in the build infra.
  7. Ability to filter irrelevent commands in any mode.
  8. A History base class for storing historical commands, files visited, etc
  9. ledger-mode now has a stronger parser based on Lexing!
  10. A LRUCache class