Computational Neuroscience Coursera notes
My notes while taking the Computational Neuroscience course.
Week1 - Models
- description models of the brain (DM)
- mechanistic models of brain cells and networks (MM)
- interpretive (or normative) models of brain (IM)
what is computational neuroscience?
- to explain in computational terms how brains generate behaviors
- it provides tools and methods for characterizing what nervous systems do,
determining how they function, and understanding why operate in particular ways
- DM's explain the 'what' part
- MM's explain the 'how' part
- IM's explain the 'why' part
receptive fields (RFs)
- specific properties of a sensory stimulus that generate a strong response from the cell
- can describe all 3 types of models to these
DM of RFs
- center-surround RFs in the retina
- on-center off-surround RF (center = a small patch of retina associated with the cell)
- off-center on-surround RF
- RFs can be thought of as filters giving peak response to certain types of inputs!
- primary visual cortex = V1
- cortical RFs - ex: oriented RFs
- these oriented RFs are obtained from center-surround RFs
- can be explained using MM
MM of RFs
- visual processing circuitry
- retina -> LGN -> V1
- LGN RF = center-surround
- V1 RF = oriented RF
- LGN = Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
- a number of LGN cells give input to a V1 cell
- to get oriented RFs from center-surround, LGN cells are displaced along the preferred orientation of V1!
- but this doesn't take into account recurrent connection from other V1 cells
IM of RFs
- efficient coding hypothesis (EC)
- goal is to represent images as faithfully and efficiently as possible using neurons with $$RF_i$$
- I = image, I' = reconstructed image, $$r_i$$ = neural responses
- I' = $$\sum_i (RF_i * r_i)$$
- what are the $$RF_i$$ that minimize $$|I-I'|^2$$ and are as independent as possible?
- start out with random $$RF_i$$ and run your EC algo on natural image patches
- sparse coding
- PCA (ICA - Independent Component Analysis)
- predictive coding
- conclusion: brain may be trying to find faithful & efficient representations of an animal's natural environment
Neurobiology 101
- Neuron = the brain cell (about 25um) - made up of cell-body, axon and dendrites
- neuron doctrine
- neuron is the fundamental structural & functional unit of brain
- they are discrete cells & not continuous with others
- information flows from dendrites to the axon via the cell-body
- idealized neuron
- inputs through dendrites (Axons from other cells)
- cell-body (with a nucleus) at the center of dendrites
- from cell-body axons connect to presynaptic terminals (outputs)
- axons are covered by myelin
- at places where there is no myelin = node of ranvier
- input to neuron from other axons = EPSP = Excitatory Post-Synaptic Potential
- if these inputs from other neurons exceed the threshold level, the current neuron fires an output spike
- output spike = action potential
what is a neuron?
- leaky bag of charged liquid!
- bag because contents of neuron are enclosed within a cell membrane
- cell membrane is a lipid bilayer
- bilayer is impermeable to charged ion species such as Na+, Cl-, K+
- ionic channels embedded in membrane allow ions in and out
electrical properties of neuron
- each neuron maintains a potential difference across its membrane
- inside is about -70mV relative to outside
- this is the resting potential of neuron
- this is because of higher concentration of certain ions in the outside compared to inside
- more Na+, Cl- on outside
- more K+, organic ions [A-] inside
- an ionic pump maintains this potential by actively maintaining this concentration difference
ionic channels
- these are made of proteins
- and only allow certain ions to pass through them
- these channels are gated
- voltage-gated = probability of opening depends on membrane voltage
- chemically-gated = binding to a chemical causes channel to open (ex: synapses)
- mechanically-gated = sensitive to pressure/stretch
neuronal signalling
- these gated channels allow neuronal signalling
- synapse = junctions between neurons
- inputs from other neurons -> synapses opening -> change in local membrane potential -> opening/closing of voltage-gated channels in dendrites/body/axon -> causes depolarization/hyperpolarization -> strong polarization results in a spike (action potential)
- depolarization = excess +ve voltage
- hyperpolarization = excess -ve voltage
- action potential flow
- start -> Na+ channel open -> more Na+ open -> Na+ close -> K+ open -> K+ close -> end
- rest. pote. -> +ve V raise -> more +ve V raise -> peak -> V drop -> V drop -> resting potential
- this spike is then propagated through the axon
- myelin due to oligodendrocytes (glial cells) wrap axons
- enable fast long range spike communication!
- these are non-conductors of electricity
- spike hops from one node of ranvier to the next (saltatory conduction)
- this 'active wiring' allows lossless signal propagation!
- junction/connection bet. 2 neurons. 2 types:
- electrical - uses gap junctions
- these are fast and are used for synchronizing the firing of neurons
- chemical - uses neurotransmitters
- one can control the effect of spike from adjacent neuron by reducing the number of receptors in the current neuron
- these are used in memory and learning
- electrical - uses gap junctions
- excitatory synapse - increase postsynaptic membrane potential
- input spike -> neurotransmitter release -> binds to ion channel receptors -> ion channels open -> Na+ influx -> depolarization due to excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP)
- inhibitory synapse - decrease postsynaptic membrane potential
- input spike -> neurotransmitter release -> binds to ion channel receptors -> ion channels open -> K+ leaves cell -> hyperpolarization due to inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP)
- synapse doctrine = synapses are the basis for memory and learning
- synapse learning happens through a mechanism called synaptic plasticity (SP)
- hebbian plasticity
- if neuron A repeatedly takes part in firing neuron B, then their synapse should be strengthened
- neurons that fire together, wire together
- proof: Long Term Potentiation: LTP
- experimentally observed increase in synaptic strength that lasts for hours/days
- Long Term Depression: LTD
- experimentally observed decrease in synaptic strength that lasts for hours/days
- SP depends on relative timing of input & output spikes!
- i/p spike before o/p spike => LTP
- i/p spike after o/p spike => LTD
- hebbian plasticity
nervous system (NS)
- nerves = bundle of axons
- Peripheral NS - PNS
- somatic - nerves connecting to voluntary skeletal muscles and sensory receptors
- afferent nerve fibers - incoming - axons that carry info away from PNS to CNS
- efferent nerve fibers - outgoing - axons that carry info from CNS to PNS
- autonomic - nerves connecting heart, blood vessels, glands, etc.
- somatic - nerves connecting to voluntary skeletal muscles and sensory receptors
- Central NS - CNS
- consists of spinal cord + brain
- spinal cord
- local feedback loops control reflexes (reflex arcs)
- descending motor control signals from brain activate spinal motor neurons
- ascending sensory axons convey sensory info from muscles/skin back to brain
- brain
- hindbrain
- medulla oblangata - controls breathing, muscle tone, blood pressure
- pons - connected to cerebellum, sleep and arousal
- cerebellum - coordination & timing of voluntary movements, sense of equilibrium, language, attention etc.
- midbrain - eye movements, visual and auditory reflexes
- reticular formation - modulates muscle reflexes, breathing & pain perception. Regulates sleep, wakefulness & arousal
- thalamus - relay station for all sensory info (except smell). regulates sleep and wakefulness
- hypothalamus - regulates basic needs: fighting, flighting, feeding & mating
- Cerebrum - perception, motor control, memory, emotion, learning
- cerebral cortex - convoluted surface of cerebrum. layered sheet of neurons
- large number of neurons + synapses
- huge amount of connections!
- 6 layers of neurons
- relatively uniform in structure across the brain
- basal ganglia
- hippocampus
- amygdala
- cerebral cortex - convoluted surface of cerebrum. layered sheet of neurons
- hindbrain
Week2 - Neural Code
recording from the brain
- fMRI - function Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- EEG - Electro EncephaloGraphy
- Electrode Arrays - invasive, but can read from individual neurons
- calcium imaging
- patch electrodes - to look inside the cells
- people also generate raster plots to look at neural activity
encoding - how does a stimulus cause a pattern of responses
- building quasi mechanistic models of our neural systems
- $$P(response|stimulus)$$ = encoding
- typically neural response = avg. firing rate or prob. of generating a spike
decoding - what do these responses tell about the stimulus
- how to reconstruct what the brain is doing
- helps in neuro-prosthetics
- $$P(stimulus|response)$$ = decoding
tuning curves
- example: gaussian tuning curve
- neural firing frequency over the orientation of the bar
brain seems to construct complex features from a set of lower level features
- this forms basis of deep learning models!
- however, in brain, these lower level neurons also get feedback from higher ones!
construction of response models
- $$P(response|stimulus)$$ = encoding
- r(t) = firing rate and its dependency on stimulus
- response = spike produced by a single neuron
- linear temporal filter: $$r(t) = \sum_k s_{t-k}*f_k$$
- similar to FIR filter in DSP!
- or a convolution filter
- leaky avarage (or integrator) - moving window average with weights decreasing exponentially on the past samples
- linear spatial filter: $$r(x,y) = \sum_{x',y'} s_{x-x',y-y'}*f_{x',y'}$$
- similar logic applies to spatio-temporal filtering too
- like a 3D convolution
- another approach could be to apply a non-linear function on the convolved output
- $$r(t) = g(\sum_k s_{t-k}*f_k)$$
- g = non-linear function, eg: sigmoid
learning model from data
feature selection
- sample (N times) the stimulus in a window to get N-dimensional vector
- collect only those samples whose right-end-window generates a spike
- take average of all such samples = spike-triggered average (STA)
- it will be a vector in the N-dim space
- this can also be applied to images
- now to apply linear filtering using STA
- make this STA vector as the 'f' and apply convolution with the input!
- equivalent to vector dot product or projection
determining the nonlinear function
- this nonlinear function (or input/output function) is basically P(spike|stimulus)
- can be found from data using Baye's rule
- to extend this to multiple features, think of creating a multi-feature probability distribution
Kullback-Leibler divergence
- D_KL(P(s),Q(s)) = \Sigma_s P(s) * log_2(P(s)/Q(s))
- measure of difference between 2 probability distributions
- choose filter in order to maximize D_KL between spike-conditional and prior distributions
- similar to maximizing mutual info between them!
neuron spike rate modelling
- can use binomial distribution
- in the limit of number of bins to inf, this distribution becomes poisson!
- assuming each firing is independent of another, time interval between 2 adjacent spikes becomes exp. distribution
- for higher rates, poisson looks more gaussian
- fano factor = variance / mean
- Generalized Linear Model
- input -> stimulus filter, post-spike filter -> non-linearity -> stochastic spike generator -> post-spike filter
- how well can we learn the stimulus given its neural responses
- example: determining a threshold for classifying positive and negative samples, given their distribution
- basically putting a threshold on the likelihood ratio
- P(r|-) / P(r|+) > thresh
- Neyman-Pearson lemma
- likelihood ratio test is the most efficient statistic in that it has the most power for a given size
- assuming we don't have to decide immediately to the stimulus
- keep accumulating the log of the likelihood ratio over time
- define 2 threshold bars, one for positive and another for negative class
- whenever the cumulative sum of this ratio reaches one of these bars, stop accumulating
- declare the output as that class
- we should also be taking into account the role of priors for each of these classes!
- makes sense for cases where these classes are not equally distributed
- should also be adding the cost of false-negatives and false-positives!
population coding and bayesian estimation
- population codes = decoding from many neurons
- cricket neurons are sensitive to wind
- $$\frac{f(s)}{r_{max}} = cos(s - s_a)$$
- $$s_a$$ = preferred angle for the neuron where the firing rate is maximum
- $$r_{max}$$ = max firing rate, used to normalize the output
- can also be written as dot product of vectors:
- $$\frac{f(s)}{r_{max}} = v . c_a$$
- $$c_a$$ = preffered direction of wind for the neuron's maximum firing rate
- summing up across all neurons gives rise to population vector
- however, population vector is neither general nor optimal!?
- Baye's law
- $$p(s|r) = p(r|s) * \frac{p(s)}{p(r)}$$
- $$p(r|s)$$ = likelihood function, conditional distribution
- $$p(s)$$ = prior distribution
- $$p(r)$$ = marginal distribution
- $$p(s|r)$$ = aposteriori distribution
- assume gaussian distribution for stimulus and poisson for response
- also assume firing rate of each neuron is independent of another
- with this, one can generate likelihood distribution for response given stimulus
- solve this to get maximum log likelihood
- with this, one can also generate aposteriori distribution for stimulus given response
- solve this to get maximum log aposteriori
- but these approaches do not take into account the correlations in the population
stimulus reconstruction: (reading minds)
- to create an estimator: s_bayes
- use least squared error wrt s_bayes and s (true stimulus)
Guest Lecture Fred Reike
- extracting sparse signals from noise
- appears similar to logistic classifier!
- Priors matter while trying to extract sparse signals from noise!
- basically try to put the threshold based on aposteriori probability
information and entropy
- probability of seeing an event = P(1) = p, thus P(0) = 1 - p
- information(P(1)) = $$-log_2(p)$$
- information(P(0)) = $$-log_2(1-p)$$
- Entropy = avg. information = $$-\Sigma_i(p_i * log_2(p_i))$$
- units are bits
- mutual information
- amount of entropy that is used in coding the stimulus
- MI(S,R) = TotalEntropy - AvgNoiseEntropy
- $$MI(S,R) = -\Sigma_r(p(r) * log_2(p(r))) + \Sigma_s(p(s) * \Sigma_r(p(r|s) * log_2(p(r|s))))$$
- Quantifying how independent R and S are:
- $$I(S,R) = D_{KL}(P(S,R), P(S)P(R))$$
- using this, one can derive with the MI equation above!
- MI is symmetric between S and R!
calculating info in spike trains
- information in spike patterns
- each time, if there's spike assign a binary 1, else 0
- create binary words ($$w_i$$) of fixed bits out of this resulting bit-vector
- compute $$p(w_i)$$, then use entropy equation on it
- calculate the diff between total variability driven by stimuli and that due to noise, averaged over stimuli
- information in single spike
- repeat similar such analysis but with words of one bit!
information and coding efficiency
- natural stimuli:
- typically have huge dynamic range
- follows power-law scaling
- have structure at many scales
- to have maximum output entropy, a good encoder should match its o/p's to the distribution of its i/p's
- this also optimizes mutual info between i/p and o/p
- and as one changes the characteristics of i/p, changes can occur in the i/p -> o/p function and in the encoded feature!
- redundancy reduction
- $$entropy(R_1,R_2) <= entropy(R_1) + entropy(R_2)$$
- $$R_1$$ and $$R_2$$ are responses of 2 neurons
- in order to be efficient in terms of entropy and coding, neurons must be independent
- But neurons are observed to be redundant
- error correction
- robust coding
- helps in discrimination
modeling neurons
- membrane can be thought of as a capacitor and resistor in parallel
- thus, using kirchoff's law:
- $$C \frac{dV}{dt} = -\frac{V}{R} + I_{ext}$$
- but membrane also has potential due to ionic equilibrium (called nernst potential)
- $$E = k_B * \frac{T}{z * q} * ln(\frac{inside}{outside})$$
- $$k_B$$ = boltzmann constant
- inside, outside = ionic concentration
- $$T$$ = temperature
- $$z$$ = number of charges in the ion
- $$q$$ = ionic charge
- thus, part of voltage drop across resistor will be due to this potential
- $$C \frac{dV}{dt} = -\frac{V - V_rest}{R} + I_{ext}$$
- solution to this is the classic exponential decay RC circuit!
- $$E = k_B * \frac{T}{z * q} * ln(\frac{inside}{outside})$$
- conductance = $$resistance^{-1}$$
- different ion channels have associated conductances
- given conductance tends to move the membrane potential toward the equilibrium potential for that ion
spikes (what makes a neuron compute)
- excitability arises from ion channel nonlinearity
- the conductances of these channels depend on the voltage difference!
- hodgkin huxley equation describes the movement of Na/K ions through the membrane
simplified model neurons
- motor neurons typically fire in regular intervals
- integrate-and-fire neuron model
- pretty close to real neuronal spikes
- $$V_0$$ = stability potential
- $$V_{reset}$$ = reset potential immediately after the spike
- $$V_{th}$$ = threshold potential after which spike occurs
- $$V_{max}$$ = max spike potential
- to make the above model fire intrinsically
- add a non-linearity after the linear region
- quadratic or exponential
- remaining else same as before
- add a non-linearity after the linear region
- another model is theta neuron
- to model periodically firing neurons
- for 2-dimensional models, using nullclines, one can determine the stable point
forest of dendrites
- neurons have complicated spatial structures
- voltage decays with distance in passive membranes
- this is modelled use cable theory (or cable equation)
- rall model for passive dendrites
Guest Lecture Eric Shea Brown
- correlations and synchrony in neural populations
- tuning curve = plot of firing rate against the stimulus
- pairwise correlation
- count number of spikes in a moving window for 2 neurons
- $$\rho = \frac{cov(n_1,n_2)}{\sqrt{var(n_1)*var(n_2)}}$$
- correlation can degrade the signal encoding
- it becomes hard to distinguish between the responses for different stimuli
- since there will be more overlap of responses
- more number of neurons we have, the better the SNR is (mean:std ratio)
- if they are all statistically independent, the SNR just keeps growing
- however, if there's some correlation between them, the SNR saturates after certain number of neurons!
- more the correlation, the lesser the value at which SNR saturates
- but in other cases of negative correlation, it can enhance the signal encoding too!
- thus, information increases in heterogeneous populations
- information decreases in homogeneous populations
modeling synapses and network of connected neurons
- chemical synapses are the most common ones found in the brain
- modeling a synapse is through an RC circuit
- modeling synapse inputs to a post-synaptic neuron is again through another channel of conductance
- this synaptic conductance however changes based on the spikes ariving in the pre-synaptic neuron
- simple model of 2 neurons connected to each other
- both are excitatory = alternate firing
- both are inhibitory = synchrony!
network models
- modelling based on spiking neurons
- computationally expensive
- can model synchrony between neurons
- modelling based on firing rate
- more efficient representation and modelling large networks
- no spike timing issues
- spiking neuron model = linear filter model on the firing rate model!
- we can do so only when the neurons are not correlated to each other
- spike train \rho_b(t) can be replaced with firing rate u_b(t)
- total synaptic current to the neuron input is summation of weighted inputs from all its synapses
- firing rate based model
- output firing rate changes like this
- $$\tau_r \frac{dv}{dt} = -v + F(I_s(t))$$
- input synaptic current changes like this
- $$\tau_s \frac{dI_s}{dt} = -I_s + w.u$$
- the steady state function is the same as used in ANNs!
- recurrent networks
- $$\tau \frac{dv}{dt} = -v + F(Wu + Mv)$$
- M = weight matrix for recurrent connections
- W = weight matrix for feedforward connections
- output firing rate changes like this
recurrent networks
- linear recurrent network with symmetric M
- will give orthogonal eigen vectors
- thus we can write output to be linear combination of these eigen vectors
- $$v(t) = \Sigma_i c_i(t)e_i$$
- then we can solve for each of these $$c_i$$ to finally solve for v(t)
- the eigen values determine the network stability
- it can amplify its inputs!
- it can also manifest memory!
- non-linear recurrent networks with symmetric M
- these can also amplify its inputs!
- even if eigen value is greater than 1, it can be stable, due to rectifier non-linearity!
- this would have caused instability in case of linear recurrent networks
- can also perform 'selective attention'!
- performs 'winner-takes-all' input selection
- can perform gain modulation
- can also maintain memory
- non-linear recurrent networks with non-symmetric M
synaptic plasticity and learning
- long term potentiation (LTP)
- one type of plasticity
- experimentally observed increase in synaptic strength that lasts for hours or days
- long term depression (LTD)
- experimentally observed decrease in synaptic strength that lasts for hours or days
- Hebbian learning rule
- if neuron A repeatedly takes part in firing neuron B, then synapse from A to B is strengthened
- formalizing Hebbian learning rule will give us the standard gradient descent equation!
- Hebb's rule increases only LTP, but not LTD
- covariance rule helps solve this
- however, for both hebb and covariance rules, the length of weight vector grows unbounded over time!
- Oja's rule for hebbian learning - stable and converges to a value
- for solving hebbian equation using covariance rule, we can use eigen vectors!
- this means, that brain is basically performing Principal Component Analysis!!! (PCA)
Unsupervised learning
- competitive learning
- given a new input, pick the most active neuron (winner takes all)
- update weight vector for that neuron
- Self Organizing Maps (Kohonen Maps)
- given a new input, pick the winning neuron
- update weights for it and its neighbors
- eg: orientation preference map in the primary visual cortex
- goal of unsupervised learning
- learn a generative model for the data being observed
- ie. mimic the data generation proces
- it involves 2 steps:
- learning the posterior probability for the new input
- using this probablity to learn the parameters
- EM algo for unsupervised learning
- involves 2 steps: E-step and M-step
- which pretty much matches the above 2 steps mentioned!
- competitive learning is online, whereas EM requires all the data points to be available!
Sparse coding and predictive coding
- how to learn good representation for images?
- eigenvectors?
- eg: eigenfaces!
- eigenvector representation is good for compression, but not so good if you want to extract the local components of an image!
- linear model of natural images?
- in this case, we need to learn the basis vector for all the components and their weights
- for this we can learn a generative model for the input image
- assume parse distribution for the weights
- will get an equation that is close to the cost function with regularization error!
- when you try to maximize the value for 'v', you get recurrent network!
- when you try to maximize the value for 'G', you get hebbian rule!
supervised learning
- simplest model is of perceptron
- they can perform linear classification
- based on the output error, weights are updated accordingly
- but perceptrons cannot learn any function
- example: XOR function!
- they can only classify linearly separable data
- can use multilayer perceptron to classify linearly inseparable data
- for continuous valued output, use sigmoid function in place of step function
- learning multilayered sigmoid networks
- use gradient descent to learn the weight matrices
- perform the same + backpropagation learning rule to learn the weights in lower layers
reinforcement learning: predicting rewards
- selecting an action that maximizes the total expected future reward
- predicting delayed rewards
- predict rewards delivered some time after the stimulus is presented
- use a tapped delay line and weighted summation of past inputs
- the approach is very similar to creating a discrete linear filter!
- to learn weights, minimize the predicted reward error
- however, we have future rewards that are not yet available!
- Temporal Difference (TD) learning
- idea is to rewrite the error function to get rid of future terms
- minimize this using gradient descent
reinforcement learning: selecting action
- learning a state-to-action mapping (aka policy)
- actor-critic learning
- actor = selects action and maintains policy
- critic = maintains the value of each state
- learning process
- critic learning (policy evaluation): using TD rule
- actor learning (policy improvement): select an action at a given state using softmax function
- Repeat 1 and 2