Machine Learning Coursera notes
My notes while taking the ML course from Dr. Andrew Ng on coursera.
- ML grew out of work in AI
- ML is also used where applications can't be programmed by hand
- NLP, Comp.Vision, etc
- self-customizing programs
- understanding human learning
- most common ML algos: supervised and unsupervised
- other algos: reinforcement learning, recommender systems, etc
- supervised learning:
- regression = predict continuous output variable
- classification = predict/classify discreet valued output
- unsupervised learning:
- clustering of unlabeled data
- supervised learning:
- training set = data-set (labelled)
- m = num of training examples
- x = 'input' variable/features
- y = 'output' variable/ 'target' variable
- $$x_i$$, $$y_i$$ - ith training sample
- its flow:
- training-set --> learning algo --> h (hypothesis)
- test/real-world-input --> h --> prediction/classification
- univariate linear regression:
- $$h(x) = t_0 + t_1 x$$
- cost function: $$J(t_0,t_1) = \frac{\sum(h(x_i) - y_i)^2}{2 * m}$$
- $$min_{(t_0,t_1)} J(t_0,t_1)$$
- also called squared-error function
- most commonly used cost function
- gives a nice quadratic surface to minimize
- gradient descent
- start with some initial value
- keep following down the gradient and hopefully will reach minimum
- local minima can trip us here!
- repeat until convergence:
- $$t_i -= \alpha \frac{\partial J(t0,..)}{\partial t_i}$$
- for every parameter $$t_i$$
- these updates are concurrent for all params!
- $$\alpha$$ = learning rate (controls the step size)
- convex functions always ensure that gradient descent will converge to global optimum
- the above algo is 'batch' gradient descent
- meaning at each step, we are using all - of the training samples
- linear algebra: notation and set of ops using matrices and vectors
- multi-variate linear regression
- n = number of features
- x(i) = input features of ith training sample
- x(i)(j) = feature j value in ith training sample
- h(x) = sum(ti *xi) i=0:n
- vectorized version: h(X) = T' - X x0 is always 1!
- gradient descent for multivariate linear regression
- J(T) = sum(((T' - X) - Y).^2) / (2*m)
- T = n+1 x 1
- X = m x n+1
- Y = m x 1
- updation: T = T - alpha - d(J(T))/dT
- T = T - alpha - (((X - T) - Y)' - X)' / m
- such an X is called design matrix
- gradient descent - feature scaling
- make sure features are on a similar scale
- convergence is quicker this way!
- because the contour plots of cost function will have incredibly skewed ellipses. Thus, the convergence will take quite a long time
- generally, get the feature into [-1, 1] range
- Can this be the reason we have sigmoid functions in neural nets!??
- use mean normalization brings features to [-0.5, 0.5] range with mean=0
- (xi - meani) / range
- mean can be the mean of that feature in the training set
- range can be (max - min) or standard-deviation
- gradient descent - learning rate
- plot J(T) over iterations, should help debug the learning algo
- J(T) should decrease after every iteration
- this will also tell us when to stop running more iterations
- one other approach is to monitor the changes in J(T) over the iterations and stop when the decrease is 'insignificant'
- but better to not automate this and use plots to confirm
- if J(T) is increasing over iterations, choose a smaller alpha
- but if alpha is too small, convergence might be slower!
- depending on the insight into the problem, by defining new features based on the training set, we might get better model
- looking at the data, we could also decide to probably use polynomial model or cubic model, so on...
- for such models, the feature scaling becomes increasingly important!
- normal equation:
- solve for T analytically, instead of iterative gradient descent
- T = pinv(X' - X) - X' - Y
- for this method, feature scaling is not required
- thus doesn't need to iterate and no need to choose alpha
- becomes very slow for large values of 'n'
- normal equation non-invertibility
- what if (X' - X) is non-invertible (singular/degenerate)?
- pretty rare case
- however, as long as we use "pinv" for inverse of X'*X, we are OK
- causes for it to be singular:
- redundant features (linearly dependent)
- too many features (m <= n)
- Better to delete some features or use regularization
- Binary classification: y in {0,1} 0=negative-class, 1=positive-class
- There's multi-class classification problem as well.
- threshold classifier:
- fit linear regression and then apply a threshold on its output
- but this is very sensitive to the position of inputs passed!
- example: think what happens if there's an outlier far away from the current set of poinets?
- output needs to be either 0 or 1, but linear regression outputs continuous values
- that's where logistic regression is applied for classification problem
- hypothesis representation for logistic regression
- want h(x) in [0,1]
- h(x) = g(theta' - x)
- g(i) = 1 / (1 + e^-i)
- g = logistic function or sigmoid function
- one interpretation of the above h(x) is probability that y=1 on input x
- ie. h(x) = P(y=1|x;theta)
- this basically means y=1 whenever theta' - x >= 0, and y=0 otherwise
- this is the decision boundary for logistic regression hypothesis
- in this particular case this boundary is linear
- if we need a non-linear decision boundary, then use non-linear terms in the logistic regression equation (similar to what was discussed in linear regression lecture)
- if we use quadratic cost function as was used in linear regression model, now it will be a non-convex function
- cost function for logistic regression:
- cost(h(x),y) = -log(h(x)) if y=1, -log(1-h(x)) if y=0
- intuition is that for correct classification there is no penalty and for incorrect, there's a very large cost
- this is gives us a convex function which only one minima
- simplified cost function for the above:
- cost(h(x),y) = -y*log(h(x)) - (1-y)*log(1-h(x))
- gradient descent on this will now be:
- T = T - alpha - ((h(X)-Y)' - X)'
- looks similar to logistic regression!
- feature scaling also works here.
- optimization algos:
- gradient descent
- conjugate descent
- these only require J(theta) and d(J(theta))/d(theta)
- advantages of the other 3 algos
- no need to manually pick alpha
- faster than gradient descent in terms of convergence
- disadvantages of these:
- more complex
- use 'fminunc' (function minimization unconstrained) for optimization using these different optimization techniques
- logistic regression on multi-class classification:
- one-vs-all classification (one-vs-rest)
- make all others under one class, except the current class
- apply logistic regression for binary classification
- repeat this for all classes
- pick the class that has highest probability (max value of h(x))
- one-vs-all classification (one-vs-rest)
- Regularization (problem of overfitting)
- under fitting (high bias)
- over fitting (high variance)
- over fitting - if we have too many features in the learned hypothesis, it may fit the training set very well, but fail to generalize on new examples
- lot of features and very less training data can also lead to this
- to address overfitting:
- reduce number of features
- manually select which features to keep
- model selection algo
- regularization
- keep all features, but reduce the magnitude/values of params
- works well when there are lot of features
- reduce number of features
- having small values for params
- 'simpler' hypothesis
- less prone to overfitting
- J(theta) = (sum((h(x)-y)^2) + lambda*T(1:)'T(1:))/(2m)
- theta(0) is not part of the above sum!
- lambda - regularization param
- controls trade off between fitting to training data well at the same time keeping params small
- if it is large, then we will see underfitting
- the gradient for the descent also changes according to this regularizer
- for normal equation with regularization
- m = eye(n+1,n+1)
- m[0,0] = 0
- T = pinv((X' - X) + (lambda - m)) - X' - Y
- as long as lambda > 0, the above matrix is invertible!
- non-linear hypotheses (neural networks representation)
- using quadratic features leads to huge number of features
- can lead to overfitting of the data as well
- this is especially difficult with image applications!
- neural networks are algos designed to mimic brain
- neuron model and logistic unit
- bias unit
- inputs
- input wires/params/weights
- sigmoid (logistic) activation function
- neural network is now a collection of these neurons stacked into layers
- first layer is input layer
- last layer is output layer
- in between layers are hidden layers
- a[i][j] = 'activation' of unit i in layer j
- theta[j] = matrix of weights from layer j to j+1
- if net has s[j] units in layer j and s[j+1] in j+1, then theta[j] is of dimension s[j+1]x(s[j]+1). +1 for bias unit
- vectorization of this computation is basically matrix-vector multiplication
- a[i+1] = g(theta[i] - a[i]) (add bias unit at each layer!)
- a[1] = input layer
- this process is called forward propagation
- forward propagation of input activation to output activations
- neural net learning its own features
- hidden and output layer look like a logistic regression
- each unit in hidden layer is set of new features learned from the input!
- ANN can use this hidden layer to learn more complex features to feed to the output layer
- neural nets for multi-class classification
- by using multiple units in the output layer
- nomenclature
- L = total no. of layers in network
- s(l) = no. of units (w/o bias unit) in layer l
- neural net cost function will be (using NLL with L2-norm)
- NLL will be the same except that h(x) will now be the entire MLP!
- regularization will be summed across all weights on all layers
- backpropagation algo
- del[l][j] = 'error' of node j in layer l
- then propagate back these 'del' till the input layer is reached
- del[l] = (theta[l]' - del[l+1]) . - g'(z[l])
- g' is derivative of g
- theta' is matrix transpose
- dJ/d(theta[l][i][j]) = (a[l][j] - del[l+1][i]) + (lambda - theta[l][i][j])
- gradient checking
- can catch bugs in the forward/backward prop implementation
- estimate slope using theta-eps and theta+eps
- such a two-sided difference gives better estimation than theta-eps, theta (one-sided).
- call your implementation for evaluating gradients
- compare them!
- for vectors, partial derivatives can be obtained using the same principle
- just work on each dimension, one at a time!
- initial value of theta
- cannot initialize all theta in a net to zero
- after each gradient update, params corresponding to inputs to each hidden units will be identical
- this is the problem of symmetric weights
- thus for symmetry-breaking, we'll have to perform random init.
- init each theta between [-eps, eps]
- cannot initialize all theta in a net to zero
- putting it all together
- number of inputs = dimension of input features
- number of outputs = number of classes (For a classification problem)
- reasonable default: have same of number of hidden units in each layer
- can usually start with 1 hidden layer
- usually the more the hidden layers, the better the network
- debugging a learning algo
- if the system shows huge prediction errors on new data
- get more training data
- try smaller set of features
- try to get additional features
- try adding polynomial features
- play with lambda value
- if the system shows huge prediction errors on new data
- machine learning diagnostic:
- a test to gain insight on what is/isnt working with a learning algo and how to best improve its performance.
- evaluating a hypothesis
- split dataset into training/test set (70:30 split)
- train using training set and measure its performance using test set
- another way can be to just measure the misclassification rate
- split dataset into training/test set (70:30 split)
- training error is usually lower than the generalization error
- model selection
- select those hyper-params for which we get the lowest test error
- but we cannot estimate generalization error for this, since we had selected the model based on the test error itself!
- hence, split dataset into training/cross-validation/test sets. (split ratio: 60:20:20)
- now measure the model's performance on the CV set.
- pick the hypothesis with the lowest CV error
- diagnosis bias vs variance (under vs over fitting)
- both high training and high CV error = bias problem (simple model)
- low training and high CV error = variance problem (complex model)
- choosing lambda
- in this case, the training/CV errors do not contain regularization param
- only the cost function during training the model itself, contains so!
- to choose an optimal lambda, then use similar approach as before in model selection
- both high training and high CV error = bias problem (large lambda)
- low training and high CV error = variance problem (small lambda)
- learning curves
- plot training/CV errors as a function of dataset size
- here average training error grows with dataset size
- average CV errors decays with dataset size
- for large data if training error ~= CV error => bias problem (with high error value)
- high bias problem cannot be solved using more data!
- for large data if training error != CV error and there's a large difference between them => variance problem (training error smaller than CV error)
- high variance problem cannot be somewhat reduced with more data
- What to do next?
- getting more training examples (helps for high variance case)
- try smaller set of features (high variance)
- try getting additional features (helps for high bias problem)
- try adding polynomial features (high bias)
- try decreasing lambda (high bias)
- try increasing lambda (high variance)
- neural nets
- smaller neural net (less params) = more prone to underfitting
- larger neural net = more prone to overfitting
- use regularization to address overfitting
- ML system design
- prioritizing what to work on: collect more data or planning what features to use
- have a single evaluation metric (eg: error percentage) to evaluate different ideas/approaches
- for skewed classes (rare classes in the dataset)
- usual classification accuracy is bad!
- in such cases, use confusion matrix to measure error rates in classification
- can also use precision/recall technique
- precision/recall
- precision = #true positives / #positives predicted
- recall = #true positives / #actual positives
- trading off between precision and recall
- lower precision; higher recall (avoid false negatives)
- higher precision; lower recall (avoid false positives)
- comparing precision/recall (F score): F = 2 - P - R / (P + R)
- how much data to train on?
- in ML, it is not who has the best system that wins, but the one who has the most data!
- logistic regression optimization objective
- y=1, we need theta' - x >> 0 and for y=0, << 0
- instead of putting lambda hyper-parameter on regularization, in SVMs people putting the inverse of it onto the cost itself.
- and they don't use '1/m' multiplier as convention
- Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
- instead of giving out probabilities like in logistic regression, SVM hypothesis directly gives out y=0/1.
- meaning, h(x) = 1 if theta' - x >= 0, and 0 otherwise
- they are also called as large margin classifiers
- they create a more robust decision boundary
- but these classifiers can be sensitive to outliers! (in which case, the regularization parameter 'C' plays vital role, similar to lambda)
- kernels (non-linear decision boundary) - to classify complex non-linear functions
- gaussian kernel
- fi = exp(-||x-li||^2 / (2*sigma^2))
- features used in the "x" vector of: theta' - x
- li = landmarks (manually chosen)
- i = 1,...n
- we could use other similarity functions as well
- how to get these landmarks?
- to begin with make each training example as a landmark
- but the number of features with this approach = number of training samples!
- bias/variance trade-off:
- C = 1/lambda
- large C = lower bias, higher variance
- small C = higher bias, lower variance
- in gaussian kernel
- large sigma = features vary smoothly = higher bias, lower variance
- small sigma = features vary sharply = lower bias, higher variance
- Using SVM
- choice of C
- choice of kernel (and its parameter values)
- no kernel = linear kernel
- if using gaussian kernel, do perform feature scaling
- not all kernels are valid kernels!
- they need to satisfy 'mercers theorem' for them to be valid
- this will make sure that the SVM optimizations run correctly to convergence
- other kernels are
- polynomial kernel: (x' - l + c)^d. Performs worse than gaussian kernel
- string kernel
- chi-square kernel
- histogram intersection kernel
- multi-class classification
- one vs all method
- some SVMs have multi-class classification built-in
- logistic regression vs SVMs
- n = number of features, m = number of training samples
- if n is large compared to m, use logistic regression or linear kernel SVMs
- if n is small and m is intermediate, use gaussian kernel SVMs
- if n is small and m is large, create more features and then use logistic regression or linear kernel SVMs
- neural nets will work well for all these cases, but for some of these problems, these nets can be slower to train
- SVM optimization is a convex optimization problem
- unsupervised learning
- work with unlabelled data
- ask it to find some structure in the data
- k-means algo
- most popular algo
- randomly initialize 'k' cluster centroids
- cluster assignment - depending upon the distance, datapoints are assigned to these centroids
- centroids evaluation - move centroids to the average of these newly assigned clusters
- repeat until convergence/max-iterations
- optimization objective
- J = 1/m - sum(||xi - uci||^2)
- m = dataset size
- uci = cluster centroid to which xi is assigned
- cluster centroid initialization
- random works ok, but not good
- randomly pick K training examples and set centroids to these
- this can avoid getting stuck at local optimum
- one better approach to avoid local optima
- run K-means with random initializations and repeat this multiple times
- [50,1000] times is a good number
- pick the output of that initialization with results in the lowest cost function
- this can work for K=[2,10], for higher values of K, you might not need this
- how to choose K?
- by far the best way to do is choose it manually!
- one other method is 'elbow method'
- basically pick that value of K which results in an 'elbow' in the plot of cost function vs K
- but sometimes, if there are no elbows, this becomes ambiguous!
- evaluate K-means using on another metric based on its application
- dimensionality reduction
- in case we have highly correlated features, we dont need all of them
- used for data compression too
- it is also used to visualize data (specifically for input data in many ML applications)
- Principal Component Analysis - PCA
- tries to find a direction (vectors) on which to project the data which reduces the projection error
- PCA is not linear regression!
- we try to minimize squared error in linear regression
- we try to minimize projection error in PCA
- Step1: data preprocessing or feature-scaling or mean normalization
- perform x[i] = (x[i] - u[i]), where u[i] is mean over all x[i]'s
- if different features are on different scales, scale them to be on similar ranges
- Step2: calculate covariance matrix
- Step3: compute eigen vectors of this matrix (using 'svd')
- Step4: if you take the first 'k' columns of the output U matrix from svd, you've got k vectors on which to project the data
- Step5: to reduce dim of input data, perform: z = Ured' - X
- choosing 'k' for PCA
- typically choose 'k' to be the smallest value such that
- sum(|| x[i] - xapprox[i] ||^2) / sum(|| x[i] ||^2) <= 0.01
- ie, 99% of the data variance is retained
- 'S' diagonal matrix given as output by 'svd' can be used for this
- 1 - sum_to_k(S[i][i]) / sum_to_n(S[i][i]). This is the same as above!
- typically choose 'k' to be the smallest value such that
- reconstructing the original data: Xapprox = Ured - z
- applying PCA
- used to speedup supervised learning problem. But always make sure that you've tried the learning problem without PCA too!
- but the Ureduce should be calculated using only the training set
- then apply the mapping on all of training/cv/test sets
- PCA should not be used to address overfitting. Use regularization instead!
- anamoly detection
- somewhat like unsupervised learning
- perform density estimation and build a model 'p' based on the input feature vectors
- now for the test case, if p(x) < eps, then flag it as an anamoly
- eg: fraud detection, manufacturing
- gaussian distribution (normal distribution)
- p(x) = exp(-(x-u)/2sigmasigma)/sqrt(2pisigma*sigma)
- parameter estimation
- u = mean(x)
- sigma^2 = variance(x)
- density estimation
- p(x) = prod(p(xi)) for each element xi in the feature vector x
- each p(xi) is a gaussian distribution
- this assumes that each element xi are independent of each other
- then use the above gaussian parameter estimation equation on all the feature elements
- now to detect anamoly, apply the above density equation using a 'eps' value to flag the output as anamoly or not
- it is always better to have a way to evaluate the learning algorithm
- becomes easy to fine-tune hyper-parameters
- evaluation
- lets assume now that these examples are labelled as anamolous and non-anamolous
- split this into training/cross-validation/test sets, as usual
- typically there are no anamolous examples kept in the training set!
- then perform density estimation on the training set
- predict its performance on cv and test sets
- can use f1-score, precision/recall, ...
- because the data set is very skewed
- use cv set to estimate a good value for 'eps'
- choosing features
- try plotting the histogram of data to confirm whether it could fit a bell-shaped curve or not
- if it doesn't fit gaussian, try using other distributions
- try to see if 'log' can convert this into gaussian, or any other transformations
- use cv set extensively to choose features
- multi-variate gaussian
- in case we have features related to each other, then the previous gaussian approach might miss some anamolies
- u = mean vector of all features, cov = covariance matrix
- p(x) = exp(-(x-u)' - cov^-1 - (x-u) / 2) / ((2 - pi)^(n/2) - sqrt(det(cov)))
- u = mean(x)
- cov = mean((x-u)*(x-u)')
- recommender systems:
- nu = number of users
- nm = number of items to be rated
- y(i,j) = rating by user j to item i
- predict ratings for all items and recommend items to the users
- content based recommendations (CBR)
- assume certain features for the items
- use linear regression on each user to predict his rating
- can also apply regularization while learning these params
- collaborative filtering (CF)
- its hard to get features for all the items!
- this approach can self-learn these features!
- but now lets say that each user has given us how much they like each of these features
- so using these preferences for each user as params, we can learn the features for each items!
- for each item, repeat this process
- one can also apply regularization here (not on the params, but now on the features!)
- initially guess the theta values, then using CF, estimate x's.
- then, using CBR, get better values for theta.
- CF algo
- we don't need to go back and forth between theta and x
- we could just put both optimizations in a single equation and optimize for both simultaneously
- however, there's no intercept term used here
- vectorization
- low rank matrix factorization
- predict user ratings using: X*Theta'
- using these learned features/params, we can also find related items (just measure feature vector distance between the 2 items)
- mean normalization
- what if a user has not rated any items?!
- this leads to params/features to converge to zero
- in this case, calculate the mean rating for each row (item)
- subtract this mean from every element in the Y matrix
- then while predicting the rating, add back the mean
- so for this user, we'll predict his rating to be mean for each item!
- same thing applies to items which might not have any ratings (but better to not recommend it since it has no ratings!)
- its not who has the best algo that wins, it's who has the most data
- with large datasets, we can't update the params using the gradient descent, because 'm' is too large! computationally inhibitive!
- SGD: Stochastic Gradient Descent
- GD (or BGD = Batch Gradient Descent) becomes very expensive for large datasets
- SGD works as follows:
- randomly shuffle the dataset
- perform the params update stage, one sample at a time! (as opposed to BGD)
- but it performs somewhat like a random walk in the 'J' space
- Mini BGD
- sometimes can be even faster than SGD
- it basically uses 'b' examples in each iteration to update params
- b = batch size
- in-between BGD and SGD
- MBGD helps in vectorizing the training wrt SGD, thus can be faster (more parallel stuff to do!)
- checking for SGD convergence:
- for every P iterations, calculate the average 'cost' of all the previous P examples
- plot the same
- but the plot can be a bit noisy compared to GD
- increasing P can give smoother curve, but after longer duration
- can also decrease alpha over epochs to make theta converge
- online learning
- learning on a stream of data
- one way is to apply SGD on the current data to learn the params
- estimate predicted CTR (Click Through Rate)
- map-reduce and data parallelism
- can be used to split training session on machines
- ML pipeline:
- image -> object detection -> object segmentation -> object recognition
- to detect, create a rectangle BB (bounding box) and slide it across the image to detect the object and using a classifier
- slide speed on the image is decided by the stride across vertical and horizontal directions
- can also apply expansion operator in the output image
- then use connected components and draw BB
- data augmentation
- creating artificial data
- put artificial distortions (or warping)
- change contrast, color, rotate the image, crop the image
- adding noise (especially audio)
- but does NOT help to add meaningless noise to the data!
- ceiling analysis
- deciding what part of pipeline to work on next
- first create a measure of performance (accuracy, cost, ...)
- in the pipeline, replace each stage and manually pass the 'correct' inputs to its next stage.
- this way measure the performance of the system
- this will tell us which part of pipeline is lagging behind, and we can spend more effort there.