word2vec analysis
Summary of this and this tutorials on word2vec, as well as comments on the original C-implementation of the word2vec model
- learning task
- input is a one-hot vector of the vocabulary
- hidden layer dimension = 300 (based on google's popular word2vec on 1B dataset)
- output is softmax with same dimension as input
- predicts the input word's neighboring words
- after learning, just keep the weights leading to hidden layer!
- but training this would be computationally expensive
- it will also overfit on small datasets
- hence, the paper suggests
- treating common word-pairs as single words
- subsampling frequently occuring words during training
- negative sampling to only update a few percentage of the weights during backprop
- subsampling is done based on the word frequency
- NS is also done based on the word frequency
code annotations
- code
- params
- threshold - ratio above which to consider phrasing 2 words
- min_count - discard words appearing less than this number of times
- has a custom hash function to efficiently look up vocabulary
- if the vocab size >= 70% of hash table, prune out the vocab to reduce hash collisions
- finally writes out the "grouped" version of the input dataset
- code
- most of the basic primitives are shared with word2phrase.c
- main guy is TrainModelThread, which gets called by multiple posix threads from TrainModel
- learning rate will decay after every certain iterations
- subsampling of frequent words done through an empirical equation
- we could potentially compute and cache it before the start of training loop
- for hierarchical softmax, it creates some sort of a binary tree?