
Main paper can be found here and a quick summary of the techniques of this paper can be found in this blog.

  • Learns representations of the nodes in a graph, inspired from word2vec.
  • Treats the list of nodes from a random walk as sentences


  • Authors note a striking similarity of power-law distribution of nodes in the random walk and words in natural languages
  • Such random walks are also helpful from implementation PoV, as they are easy to parallelize
  • They are also helpful when the graph changes and we need to iteratively update the learnings, instead of costly global recomputation



  • $$G(V, E)$$ graph
    • $$n$$ number of nodes
    • $$m$$ number of edges
  • $$w$$ window size
  • $$d$$ output embedding size
  • $$\gamma$$ walks per node
  • $$t$$ walk length


  • $$\Phi \epsilon R^{n x d}$$ the embeddings for each node

DeepWalk algo:

  1. Randomly initialize $$\Phi$$
  2. for i from 0 to $$\gamma$$
    1. for each $$v_i$$ in shuffle(V)
      • $$W_{v_i}$$ = randomwalk(G, $$v_i$$, t)
      • skipgram($$\Phi$$, $$W_{v_i}, w)

skipgram algo:

  1. for each $$v_j \epsilon W_{v_i}$$
    1. for each $$u_k \epsilon W_{v_i}[j - w : j + w]$$
      • $$J(\Phi) = -log(Pr(u_k || \Phi(v_j)))$$
      • $$\Phi = \Phi - \alpha \frac{\partial J}{\partial \Phi}$$

$$Pr(.)$$ above uses hierarchical softmax to be computationally more efficient.