
API document can be found here and developer guide can be found here.

nvshmem is an extension of openshmem API for the GPU clusters. nvshmem provides a PGAS (Partitioned Global Address Space) for the buffers on GPU cluster. Enables fine-grained computation/communication overlap and also performing synchronization, all from the CUDA kernels itself. Thus, this feature is very helpful in achieving strong scaling on our apps. However, it also provides CPU-side APIs to initiate communication, for flexibility.

Programming model

Types of data objects

  1. Symmetric data objects - objects can be shared across remote PE's. These are allocated from a symmetric heap using nvshmem_malloc().
  2. Private data objects - objects that private to the PE which owns them

openshmem provides strong ordering guarantees. However, for perf reasons, nvshmem doesn't provide this guarantee and thus it is expected of the devs to use nvshmem_fence() when such an ordering is required! But, non-blocking calls are not ordered with this call and for those, we need to use nvshmem_quiet().

Execution model is typically SPMD (Single Program Multiple Data), but this is not required by nvshmem. Work is done by PEs, which are typically OS processes. These PEs are further allowed to create threads, if there's a support for it. nvshmem phase begins with the call to either nvshmem_init() or nvshmem_init_thread() and concludes with the call to nvshmem_finalize() done by all PEs or nvshmem_global_exit() by any PE. We cannot reinitialize the nvshmem after finalization! (similar to MPI) Each PE has an integer ID, similar to the concept of MPI ranks.

Since nvshmem provides one-sided communication API's, even if the target PE is not involved in any nvshmem calls, other PE's can continue to communicate with this PE and make progress. This is unlike MPI communication model.

There's also threadgroup communication with multiple threads can collectively be part of a single communication operation.

nvshmem expects all buffer arguments to nvhsmem communication routines to be symmetric objects.

symmetric address returned by nvhsmem allocation routine is also a valid local addresses. However, trying to use a mix of symmetric address and local address to nvshmem routines can lead to undefined behavior.

Communication model

Provides get and put methods for working with symmetric objects. Has all the bulk, scalar and interleaved transfer schemes available. Also supports atomic memory operations (AMO). There are methods can be initiated from CUDA kernels or from the host too. All the CPU-side calls are stream-ordered.

nvshmem_ptr() provides raw address pointer to be used for issuing explicit loads/stores to local or remote PEs, as long as they are accessible to each other.

All nvshmem symmmetric memory is pinned GPU memory.

nvshmem assumes a one-to-one mapping between PE and GPU.

The usual data coalescing policies/guidelines as seen in CUDA programming model also apply here for efficiency.

cuda kernels needing sync/collective APIs must be launched using the collective launch APIs only.

memory model

List of operations supported:

  • Remote Memory Access (RMA) - PUT/GET
  • Atomic Memory Operations (AMO)
  • single ops
  • direct loads/stores (via the pointer returned by nvshmem_ptr()
  • collective ops
  • wait and test functions

Since GPUs expose only a weak memory model, nvshmem does introduce a few exceptions to the openshmem memory model

  • no guarantees to the order of writes to a symmetric memory, as seen by PEs
  • to enforce ordering to target PE use nvshmem_fence()
  • to enforce ordering to all other PE's use nvshmem_quiet()
  • to enforce ordering for nonblocking calls use nvshmem_quiet()

Result of the get or AMO operations will appear in the program order, however.