Graph Convolutional Networks for text classification
Main paper can be found here.
- novel GNN based method for text classification
- graph is constructed using word co-occurence and word-doc associations
- learn both word and doc (aka corpus) embeddings simultaneously by building and using the above mentioned heterogenous text graph, where nodes are both words and docs
- text graph construction
- based on word co-occurence (in corpus) and doc-word relations
- number of nodes = vocab size + corpus size
- input embeddings are just one-hot vectors
- edge weights
- doc to word = TFIDF
- word to word = $$PMI(i, j)$$ only if $$PMI(i, j)$$ is positive and words i and j occur in the sliding window together
- self-loops are added
- $$PMI(i, j) = log\frac{P_{ij}}{P_i P_j}$$
- $$P_{ij} = \frac{nW(i, j)}{nW}$$
- $$P(i) = \frac{nW(i)}{nW}$$
- $$nW$$ = total number of sliding windows
- model and training
- usage of spectral GCNs as in Kipf and Welling
- 2 layer GCNs
- output layer is psased through softmax classifier
- loss function is cross entropy error over all labelled docs
- $$L = - \Sigma_d \Sigma_f Y_{df} ln(Z_{df})$$
- $$d$$ = all labelled docs
- $$f$$ = all output features
- $$Y$$ = label vector for a doc
- $$Z$$ = softmax output vector
- 2 layers help information exchange between docs too!
- more layers didn't help improving accuracy
- sliding window size = 20 words
- first layer output embedding size = 200
- learning rate = 0.02
- Adam optimizer with 200 epochs
- early stopping after 10 epochs with no decrease in validation loss
- dropout rate = 0.5
- 10% of training as validation set