DistGNN: Scalable Distributed Training for Large-Scale Graph Neural Networks
Main paper can be found here.
- Efficient full-graph GNN training on single node
- Scalable full-graph GNN training on multi-nodes
- A backend to DGL for optimized CPU training
- Rearrangement of the aggregation loop in order to reuse neighbor vertex features
- Use libxsmm in order to utilize SIMD units while doing neighborhood aggregation
- usage of vertex-cut based graph partitioning in order to minimize communication cost
- propose 3 ways to scale training to multi-nodes (all are data-parallel based)
- 0c - ignore split vertices aggregation from other socket/nodes
- cd-0 - for the current epoch wait for partial aggregates from all split vertices to be available
- cd-r - overlap communication with computation by doing a Hogwild-like delayed aggregation of split-vertex embeddings