Computing Extremely Accurate Quantiles Using t-Digests
Main paper can be found here.
- online approximate quantile computation
- accuracy of q-th quantile is max(q, 1-q)
- merging of summaries (aka digests) results is lesser loss of accuracy
- can also be extended for weighted samples
- digest = partition of samples; aka clusters
- t-digest = a digest with any cluster of unit weight or bounded by some scale function.
- weight = number of samples in the cluster C; aka |C|
- fully merged t-digest = no two consecutive clusters can be merged without the violation of the weight bound
- a cluster is represented by its mean and number of samples in it
- clusters at both ends of the quantile are kept smaller while the ones in the middle are larger
- scale function
- it must be a non-decreasing function
- $$k_1(q) = \frac{\delta}{2 \pi} arcsin(2q - 1)$$
- $$\delta$$ = compression parameter. Atleast for $$k_1$$ it ends up bounding the number of clusters to $$[\lfloor \frac{\delta}{2} \rfloor, \lceil \delta \rceil]$$
- $$k$$ is the notional index
- $$n$$ = number of samples. It is assumed to be much larger than $$\delta$$
- $$|C_k| = k(q_r) - k(q_l) \le 1$$, for any cluster with weight $$\ge$$ 1
- $$q_l = \frac{W_l(C)}{n}$$
- $$q_r = q_l + \frac{|C|}{n}$$
- $$W_l(C)$$ = sum of weights of all clusters to the left of it
- this function leads to estimates which are very accurate near extreme quantiles and modestly accurate in the middle
- another scale function is linear: $$k_0(q) = \frac{\delta q}{2}$$. It can work but trades off accuracy for computation
- other scale functions are:
- $$k_2(q) = \frac{\delta}{4 log(\frac{n}{\delta}) + 24} log(\frac{q}{1-q})$$
- $$k_3(q) = \frac{\delta}{4 log(\frac{n}{\delta}) + 21} log(2q) if q \le 0.5$$
- $$k_3(q) = \frac{\delta}{4 log(\frac{n}{\delta}) + 21} (-log(2(1 - q))) if q > 0.5$$
- merging 2 t-digests is still possible but might end up with weakly ordered clusters, whose error bounds are hard to prove
- but in practice merging doesn't result in significant loss of accuracy, especially if we do stratified merging where we use higher value of $$\delta$$ while computing the clusters and lower value while merging 2 t-digests
- merging new-data with an existing t-digest
- C = input t-digest to be merged
- X = input data to be merged with t-digest
- m = number of clusters in C
- algo as follows:
- X = sort(C union X)
- S = $$\Sigma_i X_i.count$$
- C' = []
- $$q_0$$ = 0
- $$q_{limit} = k^{-1}(k(q_0, \delta) + 1, \delta)$$
- $$\sigma = x_1$$
- for i = 2 ... (m + n)
- q = $$q_0 + \frac{\sigma.count + x_i.count}{\delta}$$
- if q $$\le$$ $$q_{limit}$$: $$\sigma += x_i$$
- else:
- C'.append($$\sigma$$)
- $$q_0 += \frac{\sigma.count}{S}$$
- $$q_{limit} = k^{-1}(k(q_0, \delta) + 1, \delta)$$
- $$\sigma = x_i$$
- C'.append($$\sigma$$)
- this merge could cause centroids near q = 0 to shift their centroids thereby causing weak ordering!
- effect of this issue can be reduced by alternating scan order of merge, ie. ascending order first, then descending order, and so on
- if instead we set the data buffer to be just 1, then there's a clustering variant of the above merge algo too.