Initial notes from my study on SAT solvers
Collection of random notes of mine while ramping up on the domain of SAT solvers.
SAT solvers
- DNF - Disjunctive Normal Form. Eg:
(x AND y) OR (y AND z)
- NNF - Negative Normal Form. All negations are only in front of variables
- CNF - Conjunctive Normal Form. Eg:
(x OR y) AND (y OR z)
- CNF formula is a set of clauses (conjunctive) which each clause being a set of
literals (disjunctive)
- empty formula represents a true formula
- empty clause represents a false clause
- unit clause is a clause with just 1 literal
- variable is referred by its id
- positive id means the variable and negative means its negation
- SAT is NP-complete but in practice (aka real world problems) we can do much better
- Serial SAT algos
- complete algos (aka systematic solvers)
- Typically based on backtracking
- computationally expensive
- will return all satisfying assignments if they exist
- else will give proof for unsatisfiability
- incomplete algos
- eg: randomized algos, local search based, GSAT, WalkSAT
- may or may not produce SAT/UNSAT
- these local search strategies do often reach global minima!
- complete algos (aka systematic solvers)
- Parallel algos
- partioning based
- competition based
- complete solver based on backtracking
- most of the complete solvers are all mostly based on this algo
- if it is a unit clause then assign it to true
- repeat until no more unit clauses
- if a conflict is found, backtrack and assign a different value to that literal
- improvement over DPLL with learning clauses to reduce the amount of backtracking
- uses CDCL - Conflict Driven Clause Learning
- helps narrows search space with DPLL
- k-CNF = formulat with every clause having exactly 'k' literals
- 2-CNF formulae can be solved in poly-time, whereas 3-CNF is already NP-complete
- to reduce memory usage most solvers nowadays are iterative rather than recursive
- randomized local search technique
- selects assignments which most reduces the number of remaining clauses
- can also move sideways (aka plateaus) which doesn't reduce this at all!
- WalkSAT
- interleaves greedy moves of GSAT with random walks of a Metropolis search
- m = #of clauses, n = #of variables, for k-CNF problems, if clauses are generated randomly, then the hardness of these problems (aka number of DP calls) follows an easy-hard-easy pattern as a function of $$\frac{m}{n}$$. But when we don't consider fixed length clauses then there are no such clean indication of hardness!
- the above was the main reason which motivated local search methods for SAT solvers
- SP - Survey Propagation. Use of probabilistic reasoning for solving combinatorial search problems. But SP is currently limited only for random SAT instances!
- Max-SAT
- Maximum satisfiability problem
- return the maximum number of clauses that can be satisfied by the assignments
- it is a generalization of the SAT problem
- Nice (4hrs!) talk on implementing a SAT solver from scratch
- video:
- repo: (It is a from-scratch serial solver based on CDCL with restarting mechanism)
- initial hour or so talks about the theory/background introducing popular solvers (eg: DPLL, CDCL)
- Stopped at 1:05:15
- The Armin Biere's talk on SAT solving:
- Knuth himself acknowledged SAT solving to be the "killer app"!
- AIG - And-Inverter Gates. Logical gates built using only and and nor gates
- IPASIR model showing different states of a SAT solver: (UNKNOWN, SAT, UNSAT, SOLVING), for interactive solving of formulae
- In one of his videos, the CTO of Amazon spends 20mins talking about SMT solvers!
- SMT solvers completely rely on CDCL technique
- after constructing impllication graph, typically we would like to learn the clause out of its first UIP (Unique Implication Point) and then to recursive clause minimization
- in his satch codebase this recursive clause minimization code when expressed in recursive fashion is running faster than the iterative version!
- Peek inside SAT solvers:
- introduction to the SAT problem and CNF notation
- typical flow: high-level problem -> encode into SAT using a P-time algo -> use SAT solver
- introduces the DFS based search space to solving this brute-force
- but also notes that we are free to choose assignment as well as literal order in this DFS!
- shows the benefit of simplifying the clause evaluation through unit propagation
- thereby deriving DPLL (DFS + backtrack + unit-prop)
- zChaff solver
- VSIDS - ranking the literals based on their occurence count and then using this to assign values in order to reach solution faster
- two watched literals - have an index of pair of literals to reach its clauses faster, especially to be notified when we get unit-prop
- CDCL - GRASP solver
- when conflicts arise, create an implication graph, separate the literals from the conflicts and then derive the clause that can help us not revisit this conflict during future traversals
- then depending on the clauses we could also backjump multiple levels!
- however one needs to consider the following while learning such clauses:
- we simply can't keep learning all the clauses (space issues)
- need to maintain these clauses in a clever manner
- need to minimize these clauses using a technique called "resolution"
- need to save the last assignment to variables called "phase saving"
- restarts
- we are not clearing the learned clauses, but only restarting the DFS
- can help us get unstuck at times
SAT Benchmarks
- Large SAT problems in CNF format:
- low-to-medium sized SAT problems in DIMACS CNF format:
GPU SAT solver implementations
- - But doesn't seem to be calling any cuda kernels at all!?