GraphCast: Learning skillful medium-range global weather forecasting
Main paper can be found here.
- ML based weather simulator
- compares against HRES from ECMWF
- 10-day forecasts at 6-hour intervals, in under 60s on a TPUv4
- autoregressive model
- uses GNN as its underlying model (in an encode-process-decode config), with a form of multi-mesh-graph of the earth
- ECMWF has 2 parts: data assimilation and forecasting (HRES and ENS). This paper focuses on using ML-based techniques for the latter part.
- HRES generates 0.1 degree resolution 10-day forecasts whereas this paper limits itself to 0.25 degrees.
- NWP (Numerical Weather Prediction) methods scale well with compute, whereas ML based methods scale well with increasing amount of data.
- Dataset is ERA5 from ECMWF
- looks at 37 different vertical pressure levels (instead of altitude)
- target variables
- 5 surface variables
- 6 atmospheric variables at 37 different vertical pressure levels
- total of $$5 + (37 x 6) = 227$$ variables
- at any given point in time, these variables could change over the 1038240
locations of the grid of the earth
- $$(\frac{180}{0.25} + 1) (\frac{360}{0.25})$$
- thus, there are a total of $$1038240 x 227 = 235680480$$ inputs
- internally, however, these locations are represented with a multi-mesh structure
which has homogeneous spatial resolution over the globe in the form of icosahedrons
- this enables long-range interactions with just a few message-passing steps
- in here, coarse mesh nodes are a subset of finer mesh nodes
- dataset split
- training - 1979-2015
- validation - 2016-2017
- test - 2018
- weather prediction strategy
- $$X'^{t+1} = GraphCast(X^t, X^{t-1})$$
- for predicting multiple steps ahead in the future, this equation is iteratively applied in an autoregressive fashion
- encoder
- maps the input data into the learned features on the multi-mesh
- uses a GNN arch
- assumes directed edges from the grid points to the multi-mesh nodes
- processor
- 16-layer deep GNN to perform message passing on the multi-mesh
- decoder
- reversal of encoder
- only predicts the change in the next timestep (NOT the value itself)
- training
- minizing objective function over 12 timesteps (= 3 days) against ERA5
- gradient is computed by backprop through the entire autoregressive sequence
- can potentially be retrained/finetuned regularly based on recent weather data
- training took 3 weeks on 32x TPUv4, data parallel, gradient-checkpointing and using low-precision arithmetic